Renee Carr
I signed up for an 8-week boot camp at Precision Fitness in January of this year. I wanted to do strength training to help build muscle as I trained for the Bentonville Half to reduce the chance of injury. Dustin’s program seemed to be the perfect fit since it only required me coming 3 times a week.
After the boot camp was over my body was a lot stronger and I fell in love with the structure of the workouts. I enjoy having the same workouts for 4 weeks so that I can see how I’ve gotten stronger. I also like that he closes down the gym intermittently for a week. It always comes at a time when I’m starting to feel burned out and it is much needed. But I’m always ready to go back on the following Monday!
I hardly ever miss a workout. My body has changed in so many ways and I have muscles and definition in places I never have before. Different things work for different people. Precision Fitness is what works for me and I don’t plan on quitting! Thanks to all the Precision Fitness staff for encouraging me, pushing me, and making sure that my form is correct.

Rich Jones
I hadn’t heard of Precision Fitness before I started; I bid on a trial membership during a silent auction at work and won it. I was at a point in my life where I just didn’t feel healthy and I knew I needed a change. When I met with Dustin, I was surprised that he spent so much time asking me about my goals and getting to know where I was (or wasn’t) in my health journey.
I knew I wanted to do more than just lose weight. I needed to focus more on my overall health, not just that number on the scale. While I set and have met my initial goal of losing 25 pounds, I wanted to drop my blood pressure numbers without medicinal help. My three most recent measurements were all well within the proper range and I have more energy than I have had in years.
To be honest, the exercise isn’t the tough part for me. The difficult part is working on being consistent with my diet and Dustin is great at spending time before/after a workout to discuss my failures and successes. The tone is always supportive, yet there is a level of accountability for me. He doesn’t buy into any of the fads or gimmicks; those may win short term, but if I want to stay healthy I will have to work at it.
My favorite part about Precision Fitness is how flexible the coaches are regarding workout times. Like everybody else, my schedule is crazy most of the time and a set time to workout doesn’t always fit. The coaches are very open to allowing me to drop a text the night before and get into a session that I might not be assigned to and that helps so I don’t have to “make time” to exercise.

Shelly Wright
My journey with Precision Fitness began in June of 2017. I was looking for something but didn’t know what! I’m a wife of 27 years, a mother of 6 and a full-time employee at a pediatric therapy clinic 8-5 Monday thru Friday. Time is not something I have a lot of. I met Dustin years ago at another facility and always liked his drive and passion for health.
An opportunity came up to meet with him at Precision Fitness. He presented the session times and eating plan and offered full support if needed to start a healthier journey! So, I started early morning classes, began eating healthier and making over all better choices.
I’ve lost 25 lbs, many inches and toned areas I didn’t know I could. I’ve also stuck with this longer than anything else I’ve ever tried. The trainers and class support have kept me engaged and coming back for more.
I have a continued desire to better myself, my body and my life! It’s easy to do when workouts are short, sweet and to the point. And so far, it works for me!

Cathy Vantine
I came to Precision Fitness because I needed support and direction in losing weight and improving my health. I searched on the Internet for different fitness and weight loss entities. I was drawn to Precision Fitness when I read that Dustin had once been overweight. I felt like someone who had struggled with weight would have a better understanding my needs. My goals are to stay healthy by exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.I was nowhere near being a healthy and fit “over-fifty” person when I started at Precision Fitness. I now am able to accomplish so much more physically, mentally, and emotionally because I am in the best shape of my life. I have lost weight (this still wasn’t easy) and am a much healthier individual.
My favorite thing about Precision Fitness is that every exercise can be geared or adapted to the individual. Three different people can be working the same part of the body at three different levels of difficulty or with three different adaptations. Even though I am in group training, there is still individualization.
I make time to exercise by doing it first thing in the morning. Precision Fitness offers numerous options for classes. This enables me to “make time” for exercising because if I miss the morning workout. There are several other classes later in the day I can attend.

Michael Williams
Dustin style of training has changed my perspective on personal training. “Seriously- I became a bodybuilder”. He is very professional and encouraging. I have always been in pretty good shape, but since I have been training with him I have seen tremendous results. I lost body fat, gained more strength and definition performing his total body workouts. I would high recommend precision fitness services to anyone.

Pam Davenport
About four years ago I weighed double my current weight. After experiencing constant shortness of breath upon any physical exertion and reaching age 60, I decided that I did not want to be a sore, inflexible old woman. I was determined to change my ways.
I went through the New Directions program, a doctor supervised program that allowed me to lose 100 pounds in 10 months. Since such rapid weight loss could result in “flappy” skin, I began an exercise routine of daily walking and Zumba five times a week. I was advised that some patients have plastic surgery to help firm saggy, flappy skin, but that to wait a minimum of two years to assure that I would maintain my weight loss. After three years of maintaining my weight loss and not being satisfied with the firmness of my body, I consulted with a plastic surgeon just to check on the cost and expected results. As I recovered the sticker-shock of the cost plus the description of scars I knew this was not the route for me.
It was at the New Directions maintenance program that one of the nurses told me about her workouts with Dustin at Precision Fitness. The physician also highly recommended him. Previously I had never worked with a personal trainer, but I knew that I could attend many years of training for the cost of surgery.
My goals were to firm up my body as much as was possible.
As to my success, recently a slender friend commented on how toned my arms were and she wished she could wear sleeveless blouses….I was in shock…it is sometimes difficult to see my own body’s progress.
When I first came to Precision Fitness I had to learn EVERYTHING……even how to breathe correctly. I can now dead-lift 70 pounds…unbelievable……my arms are firm and I am developing sculpted abs. So I can definitely say that I am reaching my goals.
Because proper form is so essential to strength training, it is hard to believe that anyone can actually get it right on their own…after 10 months of training I am still being corrected, i.e., watch the shrug, keep your hips up, tighten up your “whatever’s”….
I love the sense of accomplishment I feel by continuing to improve. Often I think, it’s just one- half hour…how can this short period produce results, but is does. My other thought is I can endure anything for one-half hour…..if it’s not that long, there’s no reason to not do it.
As to making time for exercise it just has become my top priority. Everything else is planned around carving that time out for me. I drive two hour round- trip three times a week. I still walk and do Zumba on those days.
Personally, I think this is one of the best things in life I have ever done for myself!