
5 Biggest Nutrition Myths-Myth 1!

So, how many?
July 5, 2018
5 Biggest Nutrition Myths-Myth 2!
July 10, 2018
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5 Biggest Nutrition Myths-Myth 1!

5 Biggest Nutrition Myths-Myth 1!

Salt! I always hear how salt is bad for you. Avoid salt! Never eat it!

Well, sodium is a necessary mineral for survival. It plays a ton of different roles in our body.

One just being the utilization of magnesium which plays into sleep quality, relaxation, anxiety, bowel movements, etc. A deficiency in salt can cause any of these issues.

If you’re eating a more whole foods based diet and you aren’t eating much processed food then you won’t be getting very much sodium at all in your diet.

As it stands both very high AND very low intakes of sodium are associated with cardiovascular disease!

So, drastically lowering salt intake hasn’t shown much benefit in scientific studies.

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