Have You Tried “Everything Under the Sun” with Nothing to Show for it?
You don’t need a gym membership, ineffective and expensive exercise equipment, the latest weight loss drugs, or the newest fad diet to finally get the body that you desire. All you really need is good old-fashioned hard work, motivation, and accountability in a small group atmosphere with others who share your same goals.
You need a solid nutritional plan with quality nutritional supplements to fill in the gaps and support your metabolism, fat loss, and fitness goals. You don’t need some magic pill that sends your heart rate into space.
Bentonville’s Small Group Personal Training for Men AND Women of all Walks of Life Delivers the Best Personal Training in Benton County for Only a Third of the Cost! Serving to Help NWA Residents Look and Feel Better Than Ever with 35-Minute EXPRESS Group Metabolic Workouts for Busy Men AND Women!
What’s harder than getting into shape on your own? Buying an expensive gym membership — and still not achieving the results you want…
Bentonville’s Small Group Personal Training for Men AND Women of all Walks of Life Delivers the Best Personal Training in Benton County for Only a Third of the Cost!Check Out This Short Video Of What We Do!
Here Is What Some Of Our Clients Have To Say

"After working with Dustin for a few weeks, I regained the use of my right arm with NO pain! I was stunned! Weeks to follow, gained the use of my left arm. Over the past 6 months, every pain that I have had - we have worked on in order to get me PAIN FREE!" - Kristy

"I have had other personal trainers in the past but have found that Dustin is one of the best. He makes sure that my form is correct so that I get the full benefit of the exercise and not cause injury. I’m also impressed that Dustin attends training and seminars to enhance his knowledge and then incorporates them into the workouts." - Beverly

"I now am able to accomplish so much more physically, mentally, and emotionally because I am in the best shape of my life. I have lost weight and am a much healthier individual." - Cathy